Schedule - IELTS University (Singapore)

A Message From Jonathan Koh...

From: Jonathan Koh

Subject: Information about my IELTS Classes

Class Schedule and Fees

About Jonathan's Online IELTS Classes

Launch of Jonathan's New Online IELTS Classes (July 2022):

Only S$250 for Classes that have helped 450+ students pass their IELTS exam in Singapore! (This is probably the cheapest IELTS course you'll find in Singapore, yet with the most success)

Here's what is included:

Teaching Materials

  • 35+ Hours of IELTS Teaching Videos
  • 400+ Pages of IELTS Notes and Exercises (which include my unique IELTS Essay Templates)
  • This covers all 4 IELTS components (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) - and I also address Grammar and Vocabulary for IELTS
  • You'd probably need to put in about 40 to 100 hours of total study time

Support From Me

  • Live Zoom Classes (for support, Q&As and activities) every 1 or 2 weeks.
  • My WhatsApp Number to ask me any questions you have


  • My previous Face-To-Face classes used to be S$600. The fee for my Online IELTS Classes is $400. However, I'm offering it at a discount of S$250 only for this launch period.

WhatsApp me now at +65 9768 1054 to discuss more.

You can also choose either the Saturday or the Sunday class as both are the same. So if you can't make it for Saturday 1pm to 5pm one weekend, you can come to the Sunday 6pm to 10pm class.

What if you can't make it for both the Saturday and Sunday classes for one of the weekends? Not to worry, I allow my students to make up the classes they miss. The same class will be repeated every 4 weeks. So you can make up that particular class 4 weeks later. 

Singapore Shopping Centre (190 Clemenceau Avenue, s239924) [3 minutes walk from Dhoby Ghaut MRT (NE6/NS24/CC1)

NOTE: I'm only at my classrooms on the weekends and not at any other times!

Materials included

  • 200+ pages of IELTS notes that cover all 4 components: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking
  • 20+ hours of teaching videos you can watch at home (these teachings follow on from what is taught in class and contains application of my class teachings)
  • 2 x 5-10 minutes of Video Correction of your IELTS Writing Tasks

What You Will Learn In My 4 Classes

WRITING CLASS 1 (Writing Structure)

  • My Super-Ninja Writing Templates. I'm so proud of this and my students absolutely love these templates. This is probably the most valuable set of notes in all of my classes - and my students' secret weapon for doing well in their writing. It's an original creation by me and can't be found anywhere else in the world. It’s taken me over 5 years to create this and this set of notes alone has been responsible for helping many of my students ace their essay writing. Sorry, I can't explain more, but when you get it, you'll surely love it!
  • This is what one student said of my templates. She got 6.5 for writing before she came to me but attained 7.0 after using my templates. She wrote: “I screwed up my reading....Felt so depressed, wanted to walk out of the hall without doing the writing. I had no confidence answering the task 2 question but I followed your I'm glad I stayed.”
  • You get a better writing score by using “advanced” Cohesive Devices such as “not only, but also” in order to impress the IELTS examiner right? WRONG!
  • 3 deadly careless mistakes related to question analysis made by even high level IELTS students that can result in you not addressing all parts of your Writing Task and thus failing to achieve 7.0.
  • One important strategy related to practicing your IELTS writing that has enabled students to write in a less stressful manner!
  • My “SWAC Formula” that consists of 4 easy methods that you can use in your introduction and/or conclusion to paraphrase sentences and ideas. In addition, find out the one common mistake amateur students make in relation to paraphrasing and what can be done about it. (Hint: it relates to using “synonyms” carelessly.)
  • A simple but detailed formula to ensure that you won’t write too few words or too many words for your IELTS essay.
  • A step-by-step detailed approach to writing every sentence in your essay – in the introduction, body and conclusion. Learn this and you will never be confused about what to write for each part of your IELTS essay. I’ve made it so easy that even a 7-year-old can follow!
  • How to support the main ideas in your essay without thinking too much and spending too much time. My "FTI REAR Technique" makes it effortless for students to do this!
  • A list of verbs (I call them "Power Result Verbs") to make your writing more complex and interesting.
  • 7 types of IELTS essay questions that you will encounter – a result of analysing every single essay question (over 500+) in the past four years (2015 to 2018). 95% of IELTS essays come from these 7 types. 3 of them are extremely common and every student should definitely prepare for them.

WRITING CLASS 2 (Grammar and Vocab)

  • The 12 most common Grammar and Vocabulary IELTS mistakes that students make. This is a result of an in-depth analysis I conducted with hundreds of my IELTS students over a 5-year period.
  • 2 seldom taught high-level Vocabulary Skills that, according to one student, helped him “understand English in a totally different way as compared to before.” I know of no teacher that teaches these 2 important skills the way I do – with great detail and application to IELTS Writing.
  • Why language rules for English are not fixed and how it can change. Understanding this will help you to understand how languages and English work.
  • Probably the most common grammar mistake, yet also the easiest to correct.
  • The biggest, yet almost universally unappreciated, reason why every IELTS student should be using a good dictionary when practicing their Writing. NO, this is not because they don’t know the definitions of words! I also tell my students:
  • The 4 best mainstream dictionaries that every student can use online for free.
  • What so bad about bilingual dictionaries.
  • 1 powerful but little-known dictionary that will help you improve your English (My students love this one and they use it a lot even after my classes)
  • Why 90% of all my students would write a WRONG sentence like “My father discourages me to migrate to America.” (Yes, you probably think there’s nothing wrong with the sentence and when I explain the mistake to you, I guarantee that you’ll start seeing and understanding English in a different way)
  • Why the majority of students who read a lot in English never improve their Grammar and Writing. (If you’ve been told that reading will improve your English automatically, you’ve been deceived. I demonstrate this in class and I’ll explain what you need to change in your reading in order to improve your English)


  • How to really IMPROVE your Reading – and it doesn’t involve just doing practice tests over and over again – Again, I’ve never seen this taught elsewhere. It's not easy to do this and it takes a lot of hard work, but the diligent students will see improvements in their Reading scores.
  • The two most difficult Reading question types and how to answer them.
  • How NOT to fall for common tricks employed by the writers of the IELTS Reading exam.
  • What to do first when tackling every section - read the question or read the passage?
  • The single biggest misconception about how to improve one's reading - almost every student has this this misconception.


  • An unspoken rule among IELTS examiners that will help you do better in Speaking Part 2
  • 4 seldom-taught strategies to effortlessly speak for up to 2 minutes in your IELTS Speaking Part 2. This is the most difficult part for most IELTS students as they don’t know how to speak for long.
  • One student wrote "After yesterday's class on how to talk for 2 mins, I applied it and talked non-stop till the examiner stopped me." (Oh ya, she got 7.0 for her Speaking!)
  • Did you know that you will never get 7.0 for Speaking without using a certain type of vocabulary? Almost every student I’ve taught had no clue about this before attending my class.
  • Practicing your speaking a lot will help you improve your IELTS Speaking score, right? WRONG! Find out why in my class...
  • What you should NOT do when selecting your Speaking date. Students almost always want to do the opposite of what they should be doing...
  • Discover the common pitfalls in the IELTS listening paper and learn how to avoid them.
  • What to actively do when you’re listening to the answer to any listening question. Fail to do this and you could easily lose up to 3 marks in your Listening.
  • The completely overlooked method to truly improving your Speaking score. (HINT: Not many would have guessed that improving one's Speaking starts with not Speaking, but -----------!)


  • The Ultimate IELTS Web Application for Testing Yourself (Using Mock Tests) and Improving.
  • Simulates the actual computer-based test that you will take in the Real Exam!
  • Helps you to improve individual parts of the IELTS Exam (Reading, Listening, Speaking & Writing)
  • The ability to sort by Question Type (Listening & Reading) and Topic (Writing & Speaking)
  • Continuous addition of more questions, topics and recent exam questions.
  • Question Hints/Tips, Model Answers and Explanations.


  • One of the things that make my class different from other classes is my materials/notes, many of which are highly original. Years of teaching have enabled me to create my own materials containing extremely unique strategies, templates and other types of notes that you simply won't find elsewhere.
  • Many people have asked to purchase my notes alone without attending my classes. I have always refused to do so. I don't sell my notes/materials by themselves as I know their enormous value. Indeed, they've helped many of my students pass their IELTS exam. Therefore, they are only for my students who attend my classes. 


  • One thing that students love about my classes is that I give them a lot of homework. That’s because I believe in pushing my students and most students want to be pushed too. If you’re not prepared to work hard, don’t bother attending my class. You won’t learn and improve if you don’t put in the hard work. Therefore, I believe in really challenging my students. Accept that challenge and you will improve and get your desired score like many of my previous students.
  • A lot of my homework material, like my notes, was created by me through many years of teaching and understanding what can help my students improve. They are interesting, challenging, very unique and highly relevant.
  • The homework addresses what is taught in the class. It's about reinforcing what you've learned in class and applying all the strategies and everything that was taught.


  • The videos are additional materials for students. After every class, I will give the links to about 5 hours of videos. Some videos are new teachings and some contain detailed explanations of answers to the homework. Whatever they are, they complement what I teach in class.
  • I always encourage my students to watch some of these videos more than once. The good thing about videos is that you can go through the teachings more than once - something you can't do with the teachings in class. After all, nobody understands anything fully after going through it just once.
  • Many students ask me about whether the videos will still be available online AFTER the 4 weeks of classes. The answer is YES! I know most of my students are busy, working adults and most don't have enough time to finish going through the additional teaching videos during the 4 weeks. Some also don't have enough time to complete all their homework. I understand you're busy with work and therefore I still leave the videos online even after the 4 weeks.


  • Each student gets his/her Writing Task 1 and Task 2 corrected. The writing will be corrected on video. The video will be of the screen of the computer, with the marker speaking and correcting your written work. In this way, you will better understand the corrections and you'll also be able to replay the video if you don't understand anything.
  • One of my partners will be correcting your work. She used to be a writing examiner for IELTS so she has a lot of experience.
  • My partner will not only correct your work, but also give you an IELTS score for your Writing.

Here Are Some Real Testimonials From My Former Students Who Achieved Their Desired IELTS Score...





Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will I get my desired score after attending your classes?

Is 4 weeks of classes enough?

How do I know when I'm ready to take the exam?

Will my Writing tasks be marked?

What's the difference between your IELTS classes and others?

Can I still contact you for help after the 4 weeks of classes?

Will I be able to book the exam immediately after your classes?

How To Register For My IELTS Classes?

STEP 1: Check if there's a slot available first:

Please call me or whatsapp me at +65 9768 1054.

STEP 2: If there's a slot, to register for my class and reserve your slot, you'd need to transfer $300 to POSB Savings 154005617 (Name: Jonathan Koh) then bring $300 on the first class. (Note: POSB is the same as DBS so if you can't find POSB using your payment method, use DBS)

You can also use PayLah or PayNow to 9768 1054. Once you've done that, Whatsapp me the payment screenshot for our records and I'll send you all the details and your pre-class homework.

© 2025IELTS University (Singapore)